Profitworks launches Industry Benchmarking Report Service

October 25, 2010   |   October 2010 Bond Updates
This press release is to indicate that Profitworks has launched a new industry benchmarking service for Canadian companies that can be purchased online.

(1888PressRelease) Today Profitworks has launched a new industry benchmarking report service for Canadian small businesses. The reporting service provides reports that can be purchased for $199.99 and provides various key financial metric information for the chosen industry.

The financial benchmarking can be completed by industry, business type (all businesses, incorporated or unincorporated), % of revenue and absolute dollar amounts.

The reports include the following financial measures by total industry, top 50%, lower 50%, upper quartile, mid upper quartile, mid lower quartile and lower quartile.
- revenue range
- a complete income statement (including the below detailed reporting lines)
- total revenue
- cost of goods
- wages and benefits
- materials and sub-contracts
- opening inventory
- closing inventory
- expenses
- labour and commissions
- amortization and depletion
- repairs and maintenance
- utilities
- rent
- interest and bank charges
- professional and business fees
- advertising
- delivery, shipping and warehousing
- insurance
- other
- net income
- income statement presented as a % of revenue
- interest coverage ratio
- gross margin %

The reports also include the following financial measures for profitable vs non profitable firms with a cross sectional split to display by total industry, top 50%, lower 50%, upper quartile, mid upper quartile, mid lower quartile and lower quartile
- total revenue
- total expenses
- net profit
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