Aubrey McClendon And The Sex Metaphor

June 03, 2012   |   June 2012 Bond Updates
Perhaps the most celebrated diviner in the annals of mythology was the blind prophet Tiresias of Thebes. His blindness was no accident of birth as will be clarified shortly. Anyway, legend has that Mr. Tiresias was strolling through the forest on Mt. Cithaeron minding his own business when he came upon two snakes coupling. When he struck the female with his staff she was so infuriated she turned him into a woman. Fast forward some years and again Tiresias gazed upon snakes in their mating. On this occasion his staff made contact with the male and with that he regained his manly attributes. More time passes and the venue shifts high atop Mt. Olympus where Zeus and cantankerous wife Hera engage in dissension as to who enjoys the pleasures of lovemaking more, man or woman. Hera insists it is man while Zeus casts his lot with females. Since Tiresias had expertise as member of both sexes, he was summoned as final arbiter. (Take note here.) Tiresias responds “if the number ten represented the total for these pleasures, woman enjoys nine parts, man but one.” Hera became so incensed that she blinded Tiresias. Taking pity on the young man Zeus made recompense by bestowing upon him the power of prophecy and long life which was to last seven ordinary lives.

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